Grading Results

What are grading for?

If a student is ready they will take a grading/examination every four to six months.

This is were a students would showcase their skills and advance to the next level at our Grading & Examination Day! Demonstrate key techniques from their syllabus and forms, earn your grading, and celebrate your progress under the guidance of our Master, Sifu or instructors.

Grading Results : November 2024

Yellow Sash - Patrik Lakato, Eesa Pandor, Muhammad Pandor &  Kim Thompson.

Blue Sash -  Jihaan Adan, Emil Furze & Nolan Lesurf.

Grading Results: October 2023

Yellow Sash - Amelia Ahmet & Scarlett Ahmet. 

Blue Sash - Marites Bascnoncillo, Tomas Cepkauskas, Harrison Scott & Akeem Williams.

Green Sash - Klaidas Paulavicius.

Red Sash - Theodore Budinas, Abenzer Dereje & Gelila Dereje.

Grading Results: November 2019

Yellow Sash - Chakriya Chhout, Alexandru Murisanu, Dominykas Paulavicius, Mihai Radu, Ruta Uselyte & Sofia Zabulyte.

Blue Sash - Liza Ajazi, Sofia Athanasiou, Alicja Blachowicz, Ellie Georgiou, Olivia Georgiou & Jean Maucilla Cetre. 

Green Sash - Liyah Athanasion.

Brown Sash - Kate McCann.

Black Sash - Andrew Dunkelberger. 

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